
The Fort St. John and District Palliative Care Society is a community-based program dedicated to supportive, compassionate care for the person, family and friends facing a life threatening illness. A qualified adviser will coordinate care with the client, family and trained volunteers.

How are services obtained?

Anyone may access our services free of charge. Clients and families may contact us directly or referrals may be made by doctor, health care worker, spiritual advisor or friends.

What happens when I contact the Palliative Care Society?

A coordinator will meet with you to explain the program and learn about your needs. If you wish, a volunteer will be chosen to visit with you. Visits can be scheduled regularly or they can be arranged as the need arises.

Who are the Volunteers?

Volunteers are members of our community from a variety of backgrounds, interests and experiences. They have been carefully selected and have successfully completed a training course.

They are people who are motivated by personal values, directed by the hospice/palliative care principles, trained and educated to be with clients and family members in an ordinary way. They provide unique resources that complement and enhance support provided by others.

The role of the Volunteer is to educate and support the client, family and friends as well as encourage the maintenance of as normal a life as possible. They assist anyone who may need it. They will respect the client's confidentiality and religious beliefs.

What other Programs and Services do you provide?

We provide community education such as presentations, public speaking engagements, media interviews, and campaigns to heighten community awareness, such as Celebrate-A-Life, a memorial Christmas Tree and an inter-denominational church service during the Christmas season for the bereaved. We also have a lending library of books, periodicals and videos on related topics.

Want more information?

Please contact us

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