fsjpcs xmas 2013

Every year the Fort St. John and District Palliative Care Society hosts a memorial service for people to remember a family or friend who had passed away.

The event is called Celebrate a Life and was held on Nov. 28 at the Catholic Church of the Resurrection. In the middle of the service, guests were invited to hang an angel ornament on the tree in memory of someone who died.

The service spoke about coping during the first Christmas of losing someone special.

The tree will also be at Sobey’s from Dec. 6 to Dec. 8 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for those that would still like to donate to the local Palliative Care Society and add an angel ornament to the tree.

The Palliative Care Society is a non-profit group dedicated to help families and individuals dealing with a life-threatening illness. For more information, you can call their office at 250-787-2814.


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