
How do I know when to call for a Visiting Volunteer?

At the on-set of life threatening illness.

Visiting volunteers are often scheduled in a team with nurses and home support workers to visit the client in their home. The Program Coordinator will ensure Visiting Volunteer schedules do not overlap with those of other care providers. Visiting Volunteers offer much needed breaks (respite) for family caregivers and emotional, physical, social and spiritual support to the client.

Visiting Volunteers may be asked to visit for many months. They are often scheduled to visit once or twice a week.

During an acute phase of illness.

Visiting Volunteers may be asked to assist during the end-stage of illness to ensure the client has someone with them most of the time or when family and friends are emotionally or physically exhausted and need support or respite.

Visiting Volunteers may be asked to assist in this way for several days or weeks. They are usually scheduled daily, and sometimes several Volunteers will work back-to-back shifts. Visiting Volunteers can be scheduled through the night.

When Visiting Volunteer services are no longer needed.

Sometimes when a client goes into remission, moves away or new caregivers become available, support by a Visiting Volunteer is no longer needed. Clients and their families may request support again at any time.

Palliative care is non-denominational and non-judgemental, promoting quality of life as defined by the client.

Respecting the client preferences is crucial to promoting dignity and self-worth.

The client works together with a team of physicians, nurses, home support workers and Visiting Volunteers to decide what, when and how support is delivered.



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